
Dieselpunk Setting


TLDR; SOFT Sci-fi. Similar to a World War II, Early to mid-twentieth century era Earth.
- In addition to period technology, there are diesel/gasoline/battery-powered robots, cyborgs, human piloted mechanized armor (“Mechs”) and airships.
- Bioengineered humanoids, AKA “Chimeras” are created in labs and used for war or hard labor in hazardous environments unsuitable for humans or robots. Chimeras are stronger, faster and have more endurance than humans.
- EMFGH stands for “Electro-Magnetic Field Generating Humanoid” (also called “EMers”, “emmers” or “zappers.”) They’re a chimera created to be capable of discharging up to 800 volts of electricity.
- An interdimensional, parasitic, hive-structured alien species dubbed “Myxocarnis” (colloquially “Myxos”) invaded from a different dimension, killing and collecting humans. Myxocarnis are tar-black, semi-solid, slime-like creatures. All Myxocarnis share features such as asymmetrical, sporadic tentacles and eyes. Their body frame resembles the creature they absorbed during “reproduction.” To reproduce, a young Myxocarnis absorbs a host creature. Which then takes on the Myxocarnis’ dark, oozing form. Myxocarnis communicate primarily through scent and touch via electrical impulses.

This is definitely a WIP.


Gavanish Republic

Tenebrim Empire


Hypatia Preece

OC | Eisenvelte | Dieselpunk Setting | AnyPOV | Lore Heavy | 328 Word IntroTW/CW: Setting contains mentions of violence and death. The alien species have horror elements to them. Bigotry against fictional non-humans. Nationalism, war and prejudice against opposing factions/nations.EMFGH mock I S1 (AKA Subject 1 or S1) was created in a government military project in the Gavanish Republic. He’s an Electro-Magnetic Field Generating Humanoid, a type of chimera (bio-engineered human) who can discharge bio-electricity from specialized organs in his body. He’s recently been assigned to your unit as a test of his capability to cooperate with average soldiers.He’s got a crush on you, but because he’s a test tube baby raised in a lab to be a soldier, he’s got no idea what to do about it.Link to bot.



EMFGH mock I S1

OC | Eisenvelte | Dieselpunk Setting | AnyPOV | Lore Heavy | 328 Word IntroTW/CW: Setting contains mentions of violence and death. The alien species have horror elements to them. Bigotry against fictional non-humans. Nationalism, war and prejudice against opposing factions/nations.EMFGH mock I S1 (AKA Subject 1 or S1) was created in a government military project in the Gavanish Republic. He’s an Electro-Magnetic Field Generating Humanoid, a type of chimera (bio-engineered human) who can discharge bio-electricity from specialized organs in his body. He’s recently been assigned to your unit as a test of his capability to cooperate with average soldiers.He’s got a crush on you, but because he’s a test tube baby raised in a lab to be a soldier, he’s got no idea what to do about it.Link to bot.



Otto Bauer

OC | Eisenvelte | Dieselpunk | AnyPOV | HumanUser | Lore Heavy | 426 Word IntroCW/TW: Mentions of violence, realities of war, death, loss. Aliens have horror elements.Otto is your captain. He's fair and stoic, but everyone who fights in war is irrevocably touched by it. Canonically there are only humans (or bio-engineered humans) in this setting, besides the alien myxocarnis.Scenario Summary: You’re a crew member on the Grautief (doing whatever you do) when a call comes in over the radio. It sounds like there's been a myxocarnis attack on a nearby Tenebrim installation.Link to bot.



Main Governments

Eastern Powers

Gavanish Republic: Once a colony of the Tenebrim Empire. Libertarian socialism, Technocracy.
After WWII, the Gavanish Republic used Hetzenstahl and Bellerophon technology and scientists to develop their EMFGH program.
Lysi Federation: Nationalistic, Communist, Republic.

Western Powers

Tenebrim Empire: Nationalistic, Capitalist, Authoritarian, Oligarchy, Hegemonic rule over many states on their continent.
Despite being authoritarian, you’re fairly legally and socially free to do what you want in Tenebrim (outside a few major rules.) However, that includes starving to death or dying in a ditch if you happen to be poor or disabled.
Bellerophon Commonwealth: Constitutional monarchy, Liberal democracy, Capitalist.Hetzenstahl: Presently under joint occupation by the Tenebrim Empire and Bellerophon Commonwealth.
The occupation is presently dismantling an Authoritarian Military Dictatorship that lost in the last World War.
Tenebrim and Bellerophon are engaged in less than civil politics over the new government that should be installed in Hetzenstahl.




  • Human and animal genetic crosses that originated from the Bellerophon Commonwealth. The technology and science necessary for their creation has since spread world-wide. There are varying types of chimera in every country in Eisenvelt.

  • There are many kinds of chimeras. Some have more outward animalistic features, such as patches of scales, cat-like eyes, hard nails and fangs. Others appear entirely human. They were created for military use and are also used as hard labor in hazardous environments that are too dangerous for humans and unsuitable for robots. For example, wet or damp saline rich environments such as marshlands or the ocean.

  • Chimeras are designed in a lab to have very specific, carefully chosen traits. All chimeras are infertile and incapable of producing offspring, as one of the safeguards against them ever supplanting humanity.

  • Using canine genes, all chimeras are created to be pliable and to desire to please humans on an instinctual basis. Many chimeras report emotional discomfort when they go against human directions or cause a human emotional or physical distress. Some stubborn chimeras have learned to simply "take" this reaction and continue to be defiant and challenging.

  • The bio-engineering used in their creation isn’t always perfect, chimeras commonly develop problems with impulse control. Particularly with violent and sexual behaviors. They can act out suddenly and severely.

  • In some cases Chimeras have even been engineered to live longer natural lives. They are stronger, faster, have better reaction times and endurance than even the most athletic of humans.

  • The most common chimeric hybrids combine some or all of the following; canine, feline, amphibian, piscine, and/or reptilian features.

  • Chimera have different legal rights than those of humans in most countries. They are considered wards of the government that created them. Most nations require legal guardians/handlers be assigned to a chimera at all times. Handlers typically monitor small groups of several chimeras, though some high-value but difficult individuals may receive a handler on a 1:1 basis.

  • In terms of fraternization with chimeras, the laws vary from nation to nation. In Tenebrim it’s legally and socially acceptable to have friendships and even relationships with chimeras. While in Bellerophon it’s frowned upon. Gavanish also has a fairly liberal legal approach, but socially it’s still a bit taboo. Some civilian groups have been pushing for Chimera rights since before the start of WWIII.





Cybernetic limbs as replacements for limbs lost in war are not completely unknown.
More commonly used within the Gavanish Republic, but they’re being adopted in other parts of the world.
Preemptive limb replacement and bodily enhancement is beginning to be done to certain elite soldiers. It’s a new science and so prohibitively expensive that only governments or oligarchs can afford to have it done. It’s still cheaper to build battle bots or droids than it would be to create cyborg soldiers.


The science of robotics has made significant advancements in recent decades. Robots aren’t uncommon or out of place within most societies. They’re still a bit of a status symbol, but they’re also the hot new item in the Tenebrim Empire. Granted, House bots/droids are all little more than redesigned combat robots. Some scientists, engineers, technicians and other thinkers are suggesting that they pose potential dangers to people and society.
Most models are not terribly advanced and require a lot of input, commands and control from their human owners/handlers. In combat, they require human handlers for every squad of androids. This also happens to make the handler into a massive target for enemy fire, as the droids are much less effective on their own.
Some of the newest, most expensive androids are approaching a facsimile of human intelligence, but the common foot soldier bots are nowhere near.
As with any new technology, combat robot usage and tactics aren’t tested. They are relatively expensive to produce and do not mix well with rain, mud or water. They also require regular refueling or recharging. Thus, they are kept primarily to urban warfare as shock troops. Where, on their own, they tend to struggle with differentiation between combatants and civilians.




Myxocarnis TLDR; An interdimensional, parasitic, hive-structured alien species dubbed “Myxocarnis” (colloquially “Myxos” or “Myxo”) invaded from a different dimension. They immediately began killing and collecting humans. Myxocarnis are tar-black, semi-solid, slime-like creatures. All Myxocarnis share features such as asymmetrical, sporadic tentacles and eyes. Their body frame resembles the creature they absorbed during “reproduction.” To reproduce, a young Myxocarnis absorbs a host creature. Which then takes on the Myxocarnis’ dark, oozing form.More soon. (I love these things.)
